multimedia artist

Smell of Fish
(1984 - 1985)
Smell of Fish, 1985
let us pray, says a colossal bird
dressed in purple
he chews a couple of breasts in a swirl of desire
let us pray to our demons
the demons that free ourselves from our own prisons
smell of fish
cannibal of fantasies
sorghum wrapped in guilt
layers of unclear memories
let us pray to the memory notes of our growing up
transparent visions of lost childhoods
smell of fish
translucent discharge
lubricating pleasure
deep caverns embedded in sexual sounds
retrace grandma’ stories
connecting little girls with future smell of codfish
from the body of Christ!, says the weightlifter
news is funneling of those who have been killed
mutilated assaulted poisoned forgotten
just across
the other side of the river
smell of fish
mea culpa!, screams the bird in flight
Josely Carvalho
Smell of Fish series is also
composed by the installation
The Meal (1985), the artist book
The Meal (1985) & drawings(1984-1985)
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