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critical texts
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Resistence, resilience and feminism in the work of
Josely Carvalho
Laura Abreu
A narrative of impermanence
Katia Canton
Lucy Lippard
Conexões, redes e resiliência
em teto de vidro
Daniela Kutschat Hanns,
Wilton Garcia
only in
An expansion of a shelter
Katia Canton
El cuerpo presente es essencial
Cecilia Fajardo Hill
only in
The strenght of a shelter
Arlindo Machado
Following the dots
Lucy Lippard
When an Olfactory Artist Loses Her Sense of Smell – An Interview with Josely Carvalho on Dealing with Corona
Caro Verbeek
Nest of Glass,
the far side of a shelter
Laura Abreu
From the memory books of Josely Carvalho an interview
Erina Duganne
Josely Carvalho vai em busca das
cores e formas das sensações
Leila Kiyomura
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An Overview
Julia P. Herzberg
The empathic art of Josely Carvalho
Ana Mae Barbosa
Arte e política, eterna questão
Alecssandra Matias de Oliveira
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A arte e o instante político
Alecssandra Matias de Oliveira
only in
A Armênia in São Paulo
Paulo Herkenhoff
URU-KU The forgotten disciplines
Katia Canton
As participações e a evocação de
memórias olfativas na produção
da artista Josely Carvalho
Daniellen Welsing Nogueira
only in
Book of Roofs #0001 Tracajá
Julia P. Herzberg
Josely Carvalho:
Disenchanting Salmu
Ivo Mesquita
Diary of Smells: Affectio
Daniel Barreto
Within the Smells of History
Paulo Knauss
Encontros de Arte Moderna
em Curitiba
Gabriela Koentopp
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