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History cannon 39 - SIGA nº 15881

  This cannon is baptized with the name Advino (“soothsayer,” in Spanish). Made from 90% Mexican copper, it was manufactured in Spain and shipped to colonial America — an indication of how complex and costly the production of weapons was. The piece was captured by troops of the United Kingdom of Portugal (Portugal, Brazil and Algarves), which invaded Uruguay during the country's independence conflicts, led by General José Gervasio Artigas.


  It was common at the end of battles for soldiers to collect weapons left behind by the enemy and bring them to their country as a trophy of victory.


  After a series of confrontations that last until 1821, Artigas was defeated and went into exile in Paraguay, thus ending the conflict. It was only in 1830 that the Uruguayan republic was established, its politics divided between conservatives (blancos) and liberals (colorados). The disagreements between the two political positions led to the Uruguayan civil war of 1839-1851.


  The political poles of conservatives and progressives has resulted in many decades of clashes in Uruguay and across the world, generating wars, conflicts and demonstrations. Today, we are witnessing a visible growth of conservative and ultra-conservative governments, not only in Latin America but all over the planet, with Brazil being a prominent example of this reality.


  Women, even though they are not a numerical minority in Brazil, suffer from the lack of government assistance. In February 2020, before the Covid-19 pandemic took hold in the country, incumbent president Bolsonaro zeroed out transfers to the Casa da Mulher Brasileira program, which assists women in situations of violence — despite the fact that in the circumstances generated by social isolation, the rates of domestic violence against women had grown dramatically. The pandemic then made the situation worse. According to the Agência Brasil website in April 2020, in the state of São Paulo there was a 44.9% increase in violence compared to the same month the previous year. This exemplifies the scarcity of public policies to advise women, thus contributing to gender inequality in Brazil.

smell Invasion PBX00014KU

  The scent of Invasion seeks to bring in its composition violence, fear, and greed but at the same time the courage of the invaders. The fear and anxiety of those affected by the invasions are represented by the animalic, phenyl, and fetid notes found in osmanthus, while violence is evoked through the antiseptic used for wounds and in the metallic scent of blood that the castoreum, oud and musk extracts contribute to the composition.


  The smell is hot and burnt. It presents notes of ash, memory of the cannons. Gunpowder, whose components include sulfur, carbon and saltpeter, has been known since the 9th century as black powder or the smell of hell. Cuminic aldehyde, one of the main molecules in cumin, instills pungency and oiliness.

Note: This artillery piece is called Tibério and is sisters with
cannon 14 (smell of Lacrimae). It was common to name the cannons
with classical or mythological names in Spain at end of 18th century.

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